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The Ministry of Home Affairs Notifies The Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024

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The Ministry of Home Affairs Notifies the Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024;

G.S.R. 172(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 (57 of
1955), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules to further amend the Citizenship Rules, 2009,
1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Citizenship Rules, 2009 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), after rule 10, the following rule shall
be inserted, namely: –
―10A. Application for grant of citizenship by registration or naturalisation by persons eligible under
section 6B.- (1) An application from a person eligible under section 6B, for grant of citizenship by registration
or naturalisation, shall not be entertained unless-
(a) the application from a person of Indian origin for registration as a citizen of India fulfilling
the conditions under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5, is submitted in Form IIA and
is in accordance with rule 4 except clauses (a) and (b) of the said rule; or
(b) the application from a person who is married to a citizen of India, for registration as a
citizen of India fulfilling the conditions under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 5, is
submitted in Form IIIA and is in accordance with rule 5 except clauses (a) and (b) of subrule (1) of the said rule; or
(c) the application from a person who is a minor child of a person who is a citizen of India, for
registration as a citizen of India fulfilling the conditions under clause (d) of sub-section (1)
of section 5, is submitted in Form IVA and is in accordance with rule 6 except clause (a) of
the said rule; or
(d) the application from a person whose parents are registered as citizens of India, for
registration as a citizen of India fulfilling the conditions under clause (e) of sub-section (1)
of section 5, is submitted in Form VA and is in accordance with rule 7 except clauses (a)
and (b) of the said rule; or
(e) the application from a person who or either of his parents was a citizen of Independent
India, for registration as a citizen of India fulfilling the conditions under clause (f) of subsection (1) of section 5, is submitted in Form VIA and is in accordance with rule 8 except
clauses (a) and (b) of the said rule; or
(f) the application from a person who is registered as an Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder,
for registration as a citizen of India fulfilling the conditions under clause (g) of sub-section
(1) of section 5, is submitted in Form VIIA and is in accordance with rule 9 except clauses
(a) and (b) of the said rule; or

the application from a person for grant of citizenship by naturalisation fulfilling the
qualifications for naturalisation under the provisions of the Third Schedule, is submitted in
Form VIIIA which includes-
(i) an affidavit verifying the correctness of the statements made in the application
along with an affidavit from an Indian citizen testifying the character of the
applicant; and
(ii) a declaration from the applicant that he has adequate knowledge of one of the
languages as specified in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution.
Explanation.—The applicant shall be considered to have adequate knowledge of the
concerned language if he can speak or read or write that language.
(2) Every application made by the applicant under sub-rule (1) shall have a declaration to the effect that
the citizenship of his country shall stand renounced irrevocably in the event of his application being approved
and that he shall not raise any claim on it in future.
(3) Every application made under this rule shall be accompanied by –
(a) a copy of any one of the documents specified in Schedule IA;
(b) a copy of any one of the documents specified in Schedule IB; and
(c) an affidavit in format specified in Schedule IC. ‖.
3. In the said rules, after rule 11, the following rule shall be inserted, namely:-
―11A. Authority to which application may be made by a person applying under section 6B.-
(1) An application for registration or naturalisation under section 6B shall be submitted by the
applicant in electronic form to the Empowered Committee through the District Level Committee as
may be notified by the Central Government.
(2) On submission of the application, an acknowledgment in Form IX shall be generated
(3) The District Level Committee headed by Designated Officer, as may be specified, shall
verify the documents submitted by the applicant along with the application.
(4) The Designated Officer shall administer to the applicant the oath of allegiance as specified in
the Second Schedule to the Citizenship Act, 1955 (57 of 1955) and thereafter, sign the oath of
allegiance and forward the same in electronic form along with confirmation regarding verification of
documents to the Empowered Committee.
(5) In case an applicant fails to appear in person to subscribe the application and take oath of
allegiance despite giving reasonable opportunities, the District Level Committee shall forward such
application to Empowered Committee for consideration of refusal.‖.
4. In the said rules, after rule 13, the following rule shall be inserted, namely:-
“13A. Scrutiny of applications by Empowered Committee. – (1) The Empowered Committee
referred to in rule 11A may scrutinise the application for grant of citizenship by registration or
naturalisation submitted by an applicant under section 6B to ensure that the application is complete
in all respects and that the applicant satisfies all the conditions laid down in section 6B.
(2) On being satisfied after making such inquiry as it considers necessary for ascertaining the
suitability of the applicant that he is a fit and proper person to be registered or naturalised, as the
case may be, the Empowered Committee may grant him the citizenship of India.‖.
5. In the said rules, in rule 14, after sub-rule (2), the following sub-rules shall be inserted, namely: –
―(2A) Every person who is registered as a citizen of India under section 6B shall be issued a digital
certificate of registration in Form XA or XIA, as the case may be.
(2B) Hard copy of the certificate of registration shall be issued to the applicant in case he opts for
the same.
(2C) The certificate shall be digitally signed or signed by the Chairman of Empowered Committee.‖.
6. In the said rules, in rule 15, after sub-rule (1), the following sub-rules shall be inserted, namely: –
―(1A) Every person who by naturalisation is made a citizen of India under section 6B shall be issued
a digital certificate of naturalisation in Form XIIA.

(1B) Hard copy of the certificate of naturalisation shall be issued to the applicant in case he opts for
the same.
(1C) The certificate shall be digitally signed or signed by the Chairman of Empowered Committee.‖.
7. In the said rules, in rule 17, –
(i) in clause (a), after the word and figure ―section 5‖, the words, figure and letter ―or section
6B‖ shall be inserted;
(ii) in clause (b), after the word and figure ―section 5‖, the words, figure and letter ―or section
6B‖ shall be inserted;
(iii) in clause (c), after the word and figure ―section 5‖, the words, figure and letter ―or section
6B‖ shall be inserted;
(iv) in clause (d), after the word and figure ―section 5‖, the words, figure and letter ―or section
6B‖ shall be inserted;
(v) in clause (e), after the word and figure ―section 6‖, the words, figure and letter ―or section
6B‖ shall be inserted;
8. In the said rules, in rule 38, after sub-rule (2), following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:-
―(3) In case of an application submitted under section 6B, the oath of allegiance required
by sub-section (2) of section 5 or sub-section (2) of section 6 shall be of no effect, unless it
is signed in the presence of, or administered by the Designated Officer as specified in rule
9. In the said rules, in Schedule I, –
(i) after Form II, the following Form shall be inserted, namely:-

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