Call For Papers: Law Audience Journal: [Volume.5, Issue 5 (Issue No. 26), e-ISSN: 2581-6705, Indexed In 12+ Databases Including Google Scholar, Impact Factor 5.611, Publication in 3 Days: Submit By 25th April 2024

Click Here to download the official notification (PDF File): I. ABOUT JOURNAL: ‘Law Audience Journal (e-ISSN: 2581-6705)’, is an online research scholarly Journal in the field of law. It is a…

Continue ReadingCall For Papers: Law Audience Journal: [Volume.5, Issue 5 (Issue No. 26), e-ISSN: 2581-6705, Indexed In 12+ Databases Including Google Scholar, Impact Factor 5.611, Publication in 3 Days: Submit By 25th April 2024

Unveiling the Legal Landscape: A Comprehensive Exploration of Inchoate Offenses – Attempt, Abetment, and Conspiracy

Click here to download the full paper (PDF) Authored By: Mr. Manas Rajdeep (B.A.LL.B (Hons), Amity University, Lucknow, Click here for Copyright Policy. Click here for Disclaimer. I. INTRODUCTION: “As…

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