Journal’s Title: Law Audience Journal.
Abbreviation: (LAJ).
Journal’s ISSN Number: 2581-6705.
Print/Online: Online.
Journal’s Frequency: Bi-Monthly.
Open Access: Yes, but commercial use is prohibited.

Online Availability:

Full Text Articles as well as PDFs are available.

Impact Factor:


Journal’s Scope:

Legal Studies and Interrelated Areas 


‘Law Audience Journal’ publishes with An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), i.e., 2581-6705, it is an online research scholarly Journal in the field of law. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed Journal. The frequency of this Journal is bi-monthly, it means that the Journal publishes at least 6 issues in a year online. Law Audience Journal (e-ISSN: 2581-6705) has been indexed in the databases of Google Scholar, Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), CiteFactor (Academic Scientific Journal), Cosmos (Impact Factor), IPIndexing and RootIndexing and in other well-known databases.

Law Audience’s Digest is available in the libraries of the following universities namely, Campus Law Centre, Delhi University, School of Law, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad, School of Law, Maharaja Agrasen University, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, Institute of Legal Studies, SRMU, Lucknow, Faculty of Law, Manipal University, Jaipur, School of Law, Amity University, Lucknow.

To Buy Law Audience’s Digest, (Click Here):

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF), 5.954 (Click Here):

It welcomes contribution from various persons such as Legal Research Scholars, Lawyers, Judges, Law Professors and Law Students or from any person who can write on any topic related to the field of law.

You can contribute to our online Law Journal in various forms such as:

  • Short-Article;
  • Article;
  • Research Paper;
  • Case Comment;
  • Book Reviews;

Law Audience Journal is a self-supporting initiative started by Mr. Varun Kumar (CEO) and it does not receive any kind of funding from any private or governmental organisation in any form as the case may be. It also provides an opportunity for young law students to express their opinions or suggestions more openly. The Journal publishes only those manuscripts which comply with Journal’s Publication Policies. I ensure you that ‘Law Audience Journal ISSN(O): 2581-6705’, shall not publish any manuscript based on the concept of Pay-And-Publish.

Pay-And-Publish Publications are those publications where the Journal charges payment from the author(s) without reviewing the manuscripts. The Journal charges only a nominal Article Processing Charges (click here to know more about it). The Journal also prohibits the Authors or Contributors not to submit any false or misleading material to be published in the Journal.


Our mission can be summarized in the following points namely,

  • The Journal wants to promote online legal education within the country as much as possible.
  • The Journal wants to make some contribution to the present online legal educational system.
  • The Journal wants to highlight the present important issues of law prevailing within the country.
  • The Journal wants to create India’s biggest online e-legal library which can be easily accessible from anywhere in the world.



Contact No: +91-8351033361.